
There are many complex accounting and reporting requirements governing charities and not-for-profit organisations. We can guide you through the maze, helping your organisation to save valuable time and resources.

Are you seeking expert advice on?

  • The most appropriate legal structure (incorporated or unincorporated);
  • Governing documents and assistance with Charity Commission, SORPs, Companies House and HMRC Registration;
  • Securing funding and preparing budgets, cashflows & business plans;
  • Financial planning and management strategies;
  • Gift Aid Schemes;
  • Audit and risk management;
  • The most tax-efficient way to carry out trading activities;
  • Allocation & Reconciliation of restricted/unrestricted funds;
  • VAT issues;
  • Bookkeeping, Annual Accounts and Payroll.

If YES, then feel free to get in touch. We can work with you to help your organisation meet its objectives.

Require more information?

If you would like more information or would like to speak to us direct then call us on 020 8992 9090. Or if you would prefer, ask us a question online.